Spin Tires
HomeModsSpin Tires

First you have to scout the map, open Kamaz with garage parts and open the garage.
Further everything is simple: put the platform a...

Spin Tires Maps
1057 0 335

On the map:
-4 sawmills
-1 garage (opened)
-1 dressing
-1 fellings + 1 loading point
-2 points of explorati...

Spin Tires Maps
974 0 311

This map is a combination of a landscape that includes river crossings, underwater bridges, dirty hills, dense swamps, open swamps and de...

Spin Tires Maps
1011 0 300

On the map:
- 1 Garage (closed)
- 2 Refueling
- 1 Timber Trader
- 2 Loading Points
- 5 Pyloram
- 5 Po...

Spin Tires Maps
1065 0 359

The map is not large, for fast passage. The goat for picking up is not! Logs simply lie on the ground.
The card is registered NewHo...

Spin Tires Maps
1176 0 389

On the map:
- 1 Garage (closed);
- 1 Refueling;
- 1 Timber;
- 2 Loading points;
- 5 to the Pyloram;

Spin Tires Maps
843 0 301

On the map:
3 sawmills
1 garage (closed)
1 point of loading
1 felling
2 slots for cars
1 car with fue...

Spin Tires Maps
962 0 387

Why I called my card so, you will know when you will pass it.
Well, let's move on to what we have on the map:
1-garage (c...

Spin Tires Maps
1313 0 376

- 1 Garage (closed)
- 2 Refills
- 1 Timber Trader
- 2 Loading Points
- 7 Pyloram
- 4 Points of Intelligence...

Spin Tires Maps
885 0 299

On the map:
- 2 Garages (closed)
- 1 Refueling
- 1 Timber Trader
- 1 Loading point
- 8 Pyloram
- 11 P...

Spin Tires Maps
744 0 295
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