Spin Tires
HomeModsSpin Tires

On the map:
1 garage (closed)
1 felling
1 refueling
1 point of loading
5 saws
4 points of exploration...

Spin Tires Maps
1063 0 364

On the map:
-1 Lesopoval
-2 Sawmills
-2 garage (closed)
-2 refueling
-2 cars + 7 slots
Map of 1 km pe...

Spin Tires Maps
902 0 324

A small and simple beautiful map!
On the map:
-2 sawmills
-1 garage (opened)
-1 dressing
-1 felling

Spin Tires Maps
831 0 317

On the map:
3 sawmills
2 refills
1 point of loading
1 felling
2 garages (1 closed)
2 machines + 4 slo...

Spin Tires Maps
1413 0 382

The map is not complicated, but interesting.
On the map:
1 garage (closed).
1 refueling.
2 lumbered (auto and man...

Spin Tires Maps
883 0 298

On the map:
-3 sawmills
-1 garage (closed)
-1 fellowship + 2 Loading points
-1 dressing
-1 machines + 4 slo...

Spin Tires Maps
871 0 281

The second work of the Author.
On the map:
- 1 garage (opened)
- 1 refueling
- 5 sawmills
- 1 felling

Spin Tires Maps
932 0 375

The map was redone from the map "Five Islands" from Karabash74. The card is the maximum size (32x32) and is facilitated in pass...

Spin Tires Maps
860 0 312

This continuation of the series of Kuzmich maps.
On the map:
3-point loading
1-car garage cl...

Spin Tires Maps
1331 0 420

A small town with narrow roads, as well as steep hills, descents and deep bogs beyond. The size: 16х16.
On the map:
1 garage ...

Spin Tires Maps
940 0 312
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