The idea behind : I originally wanted to make a simple mod, who included simple J-beam and Mesh modifications...And since everyone were making convertibles... Here you go ! Features : Planned : Credits : How to connect two halves pessima ? 1) Select an "A" Half Pessima and a "B" one, be sure to do so. 2) Place the two close to each other like in the picture above, leave about 1 meter between the 2 cars. 3) Switch to the "A" Half Pessima and press "L". If nothing is happening be sure you are using the "A" model and not the "B" one, for that press "Tab" and re-press "L". Weird colored nodes should pop-up like into the picture above. 4) Leave magic happening and Enjoy ! If you having problems with coupling the two cars, be sure to re-read carefully the tutorial ! If it's still not working it might be a problem on your end ! Credits: Ulrichou86 |