CMDR booms sticky Fix v04.09.19 (29.08.2019)
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Tired of standing on the brakes just to crash into a wall? How about suspiciously strong static cling effect of the concrete barriers? If you answered Yes, then at low prices... Yes, it's free. One quick adhesive coating to give the feeling of paved surfaces like before August 2019. At the moment, this only affects paved surfaces and reduces the effect of a sticky wall. Still working on the grass. - Update # 1: I made an assumption about what the grass parameters are, and it seems to have reduced the punishing nature of hitting the grass. Further testing of notes in the comments section. - Update # 2: With my sincere thanks to The Very End for defining the surface, I will dial the number and mow the slippery grass! Initial settings are updated in this update. Note: If you have CMDR Boom BS Experience, this data is included in this mod and is not needed. Just an addition for those who prefer vanilla car settings. From notes about changes: Made modest changes in what, in my opinion, is value grass in game. Until I get a response from the development team or other Modder about the exact surface type, it's my best guess that this doesn't affect rally-type racing surfaces, but only "field trips." There is still a loss of grip on the grass and sandy surfaces, but overall it is less debilitating and much more correctable in my trials. Not quite in the pre-August update, but a perfectly acceptable balance between the previous and current effect.

Credits: CMDR Boom


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TAGS:V04.09.19, CMDR, Sticky, booms, Fix

