
MOD Sentinel Hammer Skin for TEARDOWN

I wanted a cool hammer, I found a cool hammer and made it.

He replaces the sledgeha...

Teardown Weapon
622 0 278

MOD Enforcer minigun (shells, particles and sprites) for TEARDOWN

100 rounds per minute, lots of shells, explosions at will. LMB ...

Teardown Weapon
811 0 238

 MOD Orbital Laser for TEARDOWN

Shoots a super-powered laser from orbit. This mod is very laggy. If it melts your GPU, try r...

Teardown Weapon
785 0 227

MOD Physgun for TEARDOWN

The Physics Gun mod for Teardown will add a high-quality gun model from Garry's Mod to the game...

Teardown Weapon
962 0 408

MOD Soft Plushies for TEARDOWN

The mod adds 7 different plush toys that explode.


LMB – thr...

Teardown Weapon
522 0 227

The author of the Weaboo cheat, inspired by cheats for CS GO, created a likeness for a Turdown. What can:

Endless rounds and shel...

Teardown Weapon
435 0 164

Allows you to shoot torpedoes in the water. Underwater, the torpedo flies straight and it can't get out of the water.

The mod...

Teardown Weapon
1951 0 204

NLAW is a lightweight, portable and effective anti—tank weapon. It is intended for one-time use and is not subject to re-loading. H...

Teardown Weapon
2040 0 233

Grenade launcher M203, M4A1 manufactured by KAC M203.


K - recharge;
Z and X – fuse reset time;

Teardown Weapon
633 0 227

A small grenade that explodes into tiny fragments of hot metal, igniting objects and destroying them.

Before you throw a grenade,...

Teardown Weapon
1943 0 227
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