MOD Sentinel Hammer Skin for TEARDOWN
I wanted a cool hammer, I found a cool hammer and made it.
He replaces the sledgeha...
MOD Enforcer minigun (shells, particles and sprites) for TEARDOWN
100 rounds per minute, lots of shells, explosions at will. LMB ...
MOD Orbital Laser for TEARDOWN
Shoots a super-powered laser from orbit. This mod is very laggy. If it melts your GPU, try r...
MOD Physgun for TEARDOWN
The Physics Gun mod for Teardown will add a high-quality gun model from Garry's Mod to the game...
MOD Soft Plushies for TEARDOWN
The mod adds 7 different plush toys that explode.
LMB – thr...
The author of the Weaboo cheat, inspired by cheats for CS GO, created a likeness for a Turdown. What can:
Endless rounds and shel...
Allows you to shoot torpedoes in the water. Underwater, the torpedo flies straight and it can't get out of the water.
The mod...
NLAW is a lightweight, portable and effective anti—tank weapon. It is intended for one-time use and is not subject to re-loading. H...
Grenade launcher M203, M4A1 manufactured by KAC M203.
K - recharge;
Z and X – fuse reset time;
A small grenade that explodes into tiny fragments of hot metal, igniting objects and destroying them.
Before you throw a grenade,...