Super Man
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MOD Super Man for TEARDOWN

Play as Superman with all his abilities.


Left Click: Left and right strike attack
Right mouse button: Lunge attack and directional speed increase
Space + Up, Down, Right, Left: Directional flight
Shift: hanging in place
"C" key: Inflate small things and extinguish fires
"C" key + left click: Freeze objects with icy breath
"C" key + right click: Inflate and destroy large objects
"X" key: Laser heat rays for cutting objects and kindling fire
"X" key + left click: More powerful laser heat rays that push objects
"X" key + left click + right click: Explosions of laser heat rays and slow motion
"X" key Double click: Laser rage shot when charging
Control key: Press to super jump, hold to hit the ground
"V" key: Press to zoom in, press again to return to normal position
Left Click + Right Click: Hold LMB, then press RMB to slow down briefly.
"R" key: Press to enter a long deceleration time
"E" key: Press to exit slow time

Superpower: Grab, lift and throw anything
Speed Increase: Lunge forward in any direction, repeat to increase speed
Super Speed Damage: Damage increases the faster the faster you move.
Superman Time: While in slow motion, you can move faster than anything else.
Super-endurance: Almost invulnerable, breaks objects through which you make your way.
Super-breathing: Extinguish fire, freeze with ice, explode and destroy objects.
Super Vision: The ability to zoom in and see objects all over the map
Super-flight: Can fly in any direction and hover in place
Super laser beams: Release laser beams of heat from the eyes, cut and ignite.
Super Laser Rage: Releases a 4-second moving beam of rage, incinerating the earth.

Compatible with the mod (Destructible Robots). With this mod, you fight robots with health bars. Not all weapons work on robots, but Superman does.
While in Super Man Slowmo Time: Punches, lasers, breath and strength become more powerful.
Custom Superman hands and brushes for various actions
Custom voice clips and Superman sound effects
A stronger normal jump

Credits: BattleBob72


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