Rocket League
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MOD Rocket League for TEARDOWN

Let's bring Rocket League to Teardown!

This mod implements the main aspects of Rocket League gameplay.


A working head-counting system/points
Ballcam (experimental)
Opportunity to play for the blue/orange team
Realistic gate explosions
A working AI of rivals (a modified version of the simple AI of El Boydo)
Free play mode
Collections of boosts all over the map

For those who are not familiar with Rocket League, the main goal of the game is to score a goal against the opposing team. That's all.


The control of the machine in the game is in many ways similar to the default PC control in Rocket League.

W: Forward tilt (aero)
A: Backward tilt (aerial)
S : Left tilt (aerial)
D: Right tilt (aerial)
Q: Left tilt (aerial)
R: Right turn (aerial)
Shift: Switch Ballcam
Backspace: Restore the car/ball (the ball is restored only in the freeplay)
Warnings: AI can sometimes get stuck. Scoring a goal usually solves this problem, as the AI machine recovers after each goal scored.

The AI can also be a bit slow when first loading into game mode. Restarting the level fixes this problem.

Credits: Mr. Shooting Star


Download42,3 Мb

TAGS:Rocket, league

