Better Glass
0 302 72

Do you want the glass to break better? Well, here you go.
Better Glass v1.0 is here, baby! Previously, this mod was a trial version, but now it's not!
Now the glass breaks when it is broken, not when the player presses a key. Isn't that great?
Please read on to see the list of known issues and their status.

Break any glass to see how it shatters into pieces
Press [M] to remove the broken glass fragments.

There are several known issues with this mod. Below is a list of them.

-Breaking large glasses causes a lag jump until the script completes the breaking. Hopefully this will be fixed in the next update.
-All newly generated shapes containing glass will not be affected by the mod. Hopefully this will be fixed in the next update.
-If any part of the figure containing glass breaks, then the glass in the figure also breaks. I won't fix this problem as it's not too noticeable.
-Some parts of the glass are not cleaned when the M button is pressed. I won't fix it since it's also not too noticeable.
-The glass is broken only once; therefore, if the script failed to break the glass, it will not try to do it again. This is a rare problem and it will be ignored.
-Some cards put several glasses under one shape; therefore, sometimes more glasses are broken than expected. As far as I know, this is incorrigible and will be ignored.

Credits: One Thousand Volts


Download14.89 MB

TAGS:Glass, better

