Spin Tires
HomeModsSpin Tires

Mod MAZ-6317 for SPINTIRES (V03.03.16)

Machine from Artem Mohir (Darius). Laid out just for the addons of the mud, which here sti...

Spin Tires Trucks
591 0 237


- I made a view from the cabin and brought a little to the divine look in the c...

Spin Tires Trucks
460 0 229

Mod SCANIA RCAB 2009 4X4 for SPINTIRES V03.03.16

Scania Rcab 2009 4x4
Rezvinky small tractor
Freight 8 poin...

Spin Tires Trucks
516 0 223

Mod TATRA 815 for Spin Tires (V03.03.16)

Tatra 815 mod was taken from MudRunner
And converted to SpinTires (v03.03.16).

Spin Tires Trucks
738 0 294

Mod FOTON AUMAN GTL V2 for Spin Tires V03.03.16

Chinese truck with a good cross
Freight 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 points

Spin Tires Trucks
544 0 240

Mod VOLVO FMX 8X8 for SPINTIRES (V03.03.16)

Mod Volvo FMX 8x8Grey2 2014 was taken from MudRunner
And converted to Spin...

Spin Tires Trucks
939 0 373

made an envelope of zil-130 from spintires 03.03.16 from hadson_152 and slightly changed it.
in a pack of 4 cars with a 4x4 ...

Spin Tires Trucks
975 0 328

based on the take-mtk-7429
the model is painted, the glass is cleaned, the interior is textured.
has 4 of its add-on +...

Spin Tires Trucks
1113 0 366

the basis is taken zil-130 from den26
recycled suspension, power, box, weight of the car.
the lighting is completely done, si...

Spin Tires Trucks
715 0 393

changed the texture, slightly changed the technical characteristics.
removed some addons and others added. also the cargo is...

Spin Tires Trucks
752 0 276
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