Map "S.O.S." version 1.0 (v03.03.16)
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Mod Map "S.O.S." version 1.0 for SPINTIRES (v03.03.16)

“Finally, after 3 months of searching for decent work in your city, the personnel manager of the local forest industry company called and said that he had heard from friends that I was looking for a job. I immediately said“ YES! ”And then he told me to meet him in the morning on the company’s workplace so that he can explain to me what my first duties consist of. We met the next day at his office, and after the usual “handshake” we both sat down and he started ...

He told me that after the last trial, which lasted about 5 weeks, the plant opened again, and that before the plant would work again, there were vehicles that must be somehow found and returned to the only available garage. He said that no one knows exactly where they are, but he was sure that all the trucks could be found and returned in one way or another for repair and refit.

That would be my first job if I wanted to. I told him that I could do this, and he replied that my new job would start immediately. The company provided me with a small all-wheel drive car that I could use, at least to get started. GPS does not work in the car, but the manager was sure that I could find my way.

So it started ..... I decided right then ... first I would try to find big trucks, retool them to do any hard work and later take care of smaller ones ... "

On the map:
- 1 garage (open)
- 2 refueling
- 9 exploration points
- 13 missing cars of different sizes
Map size: 1024x1024 meters

Credits: holbs


Download48.9 MB

TAGS:S.O.S, 1.0, (V03.03.16), . version, Map

