- 1 own + 3 standard types of engine; - 1 own + 2 standard types of gearboxes; - 2 own + 2 standard types of suspension;
- 1 own + 3 standard types of engine; - 1 own + 3 standard types of gearboxes; - 3 standard types of suspension;...
- 1 own + 3 standard types of engine; - 1 own + 2 standard types of gearboxes; - 2 own + 3 standard types of sus...
- 3 standard types of engine; - 1 own + 3 standard types of gearboxes; - 4 standard types of suspension; -...
- 4 standard types of engine; - 4 standard types of gearboxes; - 3 standard types of suspension; - 75 own ...
- 2 own + 4 standard types of engine; - 2 standard types of gearbox; - 2 standard types of suspension; - 43 own + 4 sta...
- 1 own + 3 standard types of engine; - 1 own + 2 standard types of gearboxes; - 3 standard types of suspension; - 22 o...
has: - 3 standard types of engine; - 3 standard types of gearbox; - 1 standard type of suspension; - 7 standard p...
Dekotora is the culture of Japanese truck styling. It has:
- 3 own + 6 standard types of engine; - 4 standard types of gear...
- 4 standard types of engine; - 4 standard gearboxes; - 1 own + 4 standard types of suspension; - 18 pairs...