Translation Fix version 1
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MOD Translation Fix version 1 FOR SNOWRUNNER

Like many people, I just got SnowRunner and I have a great time with it, but I can't help but see the small translation errors here and there and feel the need to fix them. (and yes, Metal Planks really hurt me).

So, here is the first mod, more like a confirmation of the concept, changing several translations in the game into both English and French.

English changes:
- Changed "Fuel" to "Barrels" for universal barrels
- Changed "Metal Planks" to "Metal Beams" for metal beams

French changes:
- Changed "Carburant" to "Barils" for universal barrels
- Modified "Blocs de béton" "Parpaings" for small concrete blocks
- replaced "Consommables" with "Fournitures"
- Changed Planches de métal to Poutrelles métalliques for metal beams
- Changed “Cargaison surdimensionnée” to “Transport Exceptionnel” for oversized cargo


PS: do not subscribe to this mod, but download it manually, instead clicking on the size of the mod.

Installation notes are located inside the .zip file. Nothing complicated, just a few steps. Please note that WinRar is required.

- This mod modifies initial.cache_block inside the initial.pak file. Any mod that modifies this whole .pak or just this single sub-file may conflict with this mod.

Credits: lauri2000


Download3.6 MB

TAGS:version, Translation, Fix

