The real name of the car is Toyota Hilux Pickup (1983-1988). It has:
- 2 types of engine; - 4 of its types of gearboxes; SnowRunner Cars 1 2 3 4 5 183 0 70 Dowload
- 3 of its types of engine; - gearboxes of 4 types; SnowRunner Cars 1 2 3 4 5 186 0 79 Dowload
- 1 own type of engine; - gearboxes of 3 types;...
- 3 of its types of engine; - 4 of its types of gearb...
It has:
- 4 of its types of engine; - 4 of its types of gearboxes; - 6 types of suspension; - 35 pairs of inter...
- 5 of its types of engine; - 4 of its types of gearb...
- 5 of its types of engine; - 4 of its types of gearboxes; - 5 types of suspension; - 24 own pairs of inte...
- 6 of its types of engine; - 6 of its types of gearboxes; - 8 of their types of suspension; - 37 of its p...
- 5 of its types of engine; - 5 types of gearboxes; - 4 types of suspension; - 18 pairs of interchangeable...