La Luna9 v1, Dangerous Roads
0 18959 7789

Mod Map La Luna9 v1, Dangerous Roads for SpinTires: MudRunner

Fellow truckers, welkom to La Luna9, Dangerous Roads

A very entertaining stream. I enjoyed it very much :)

Here you can find a stream from STUDENT 60 RUS
and from Бригада_УХ & Степа4ка
and from evgen70 rus

This map is difficult and absolutely NOT easy. (and it can be frustrating!! :)) )
There are 2 playing fields, 2 loading sides, 5 unloading sides and many tight 
routes! You drive over narrow roads, along edges and small curves!
There is a lot of variation in height. The height of this map is 128m.
My preference for this card, is use smaller trucks or a truck with 3pnt load and 
a trailer with 3pnt load. I drove over the map with a 3 + 4 pnt load. But in some 
corners it was pretty fighting to get through. You want to try bigger, go ahead .... 
This map is my version of the blackwater canyon :)

- You will use the winch several "more" times.
- On the map are winch points, on the steep slopes and in small curves
- There are 13 balance points,what can be divided over 4 replaceable trucks.
- The flags are placed simply, for some flags you have to make a little more effort :) 
- It is not advisable to put the gearbox in the automatic, when you go downhill !! :)

Map size 1024m x 1024m, and 128m height
On the map: 
– 9 Trucks, (3 locked + 4 replaceables + Kirovets + uaz469)
– 2 Garages (one open, other close)
– 2 Fuel stations
– 2 Loading areas
– 5 Unloading areas
– 10 Conquer the flags
- 13 Balance points

Comments about this map. write them down below.

have fun

To find my other maps, type "la luna" in the search box on the workshop page.
or use the link 

Credits: Yoepie


Download84.6 MB

TAGS:mod, for, MudRunner, Spintires, la, V1, Map, Luna9, Roads, Dangerous

