MOD MAP (S19) LOST THE REBUILD FOR SPINTIRES: MUDRUNNER (V07.08.19) Well now I want to welcome you all back to Lost.And let me just say that I really put a lot of my time and effort into this restoration, and personally I think this is one of my best works to date, It's just beautiful card and definitely matches any other card. This map is based on a TV show that aired from 2004 to 2010, apparently titled Lost, which lasted 6 seasons, in short, mostly about a group of survivors who crashed, landed on a beach / island and faced many obstacles. to survive, however in the show they did everything on foot while we have K5 !! If you haven't seen a TV show before, then a lot of what you see on this map probably won't make much sense to you. On the map:
Credits: SmarOneNine |