Spintires: MudRunner
HomeModsSpintires: MudRunner

Small map for jeep trial and entertainment. On the map:

- 4 slots for cars;
- 1 garage (open);
- 2 refills.


Spintires: MudRunner Maps
678 0 189

- 5 sawmills;
- 4 cars at the start;
- 1 garage (closed);
- 1 refueling;
- 1 loading point;
- In arcade mod...

Spintires: MudRunner Maps
600 0 176

On the map:
- 1 Garage (closed);
- 1 Refueling;
- 1 felling;
- 2 loading points;
- 3 Sawmills;
- 8 po...

Spintires: MudRunner Maps
592 0 151

on the map:
- 1 garage (closed);
- 2 gas stations;
- 1 felling;
- 2 loading points;
- 6 sawmills;
- 1...

Spintires: MudRunner Maps
513 0 166

on the map:
- 2 garages (closed);
- 1 refueling;
- 1 felling;
- 2 loading points + 1 collection point;
- 5 ...

Spintires: MudRunner Maps
639 0 222

On the map:
- 17 reconnaissance points;
- 2 garages (closed);
- 2 gas stations;
- 1 felling;
- 2 loading po...

Spintires: MudRunner Maps
488 0 155

On the map:

- 1 refueling;
- 6 sawmills;
- 1 felling;
- 2 loading points;
- 2 garages (closed);
- 4...

Spintires: MudRunner Maps
369 0 115

On the map:

- 1 garage (closed);
- 2 gas stations;
- 1 felling;
- 2 loading points;
- 7 sawmills;

Spintires: MudRunner Maps
396 0 145

On the map:
- 2 gas stations;
- 5 sawmills;
- 1 felling;
- 2 loading points;
- 1 garage (closed);
- 3...

Spintires: MudRunner Maps
371 0 147

- 3 cars at the start, replaceable (if def addons are registered);
- 5 cars on the map;
- 7 sawmills;
- 13 reconnaissan...

Spintires: MudRunner Maps
397 0 143
« 1 2 3 4 5 ... 175 176 »