Eurospand pack v1.0.0.0
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Mod Eurospand pack v1.0.0.0 for Farming Simulator 2022
The Eurospand brand, born in the seventies of the last century, has always been successful thanks to the care of creating and supplying professional fertilizer spreaders with structural strength, distribution accuracy, corrosion resistance and constant technical innovation. , the basis of thinking.
 В ceрeдинe 90-х годов, поcлe cмeны компании, OMВ прeдcтавила на рынкe новyю коммeрчecкyю линию под названиeм Cavallo, а в 2001 годy она изобрeла и cоздала виброcиcтeмy, вибрирyющee дно бyнкeра, которая ycпeшно отличала вce производcтво машин c двyхдиcковым раcпрeдeлитeлeм до тeх пор, пока it was not implemented. At the end of 2012, after a merger by incorporation, OMB becomes the “Agricultural Equipment Division” of the Cavallo Giordano e Vallauri spa group.
 – Cost: 10000 y.e.
 Zeus / jolly: – Cost: 20000 y.e.
 – Adjustable capacity: 1400 l / 2000 l.
 – Construction configuration.
 – Cost: 20000 y.e.
 – Adjustable capacity: 1400 l / 3000 l.
 – Construction configuration.
 – Cost: 12000 y.e.
 – Adjustable capacity: 800 l / 1200 l.
 – Construction configuration.
 – Can be used as a salt spreader.
 David fruit / Compact fruit:
 – Cost: 12500 y.e.
– Adjustable capacity: 600 l / 800 / 1000 l.
– Construction configuration.
– Recommended for use between rows of grapes and olives.

Credits: Black eyes modding


Download26.2 MB

TAGS:v1.0.0.0, Pack, EUROSPAND

