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VehicleSpector has been developed to give you a quick overview of your vehicles. What they do/that are loaded/Which of them are active, etc. and so on.

-Realize the line of settings of 3 new icons (leasing, found GPS, found parking)
-Non type of icon/text of GPS (optionally VKL/off ... In the graphic menu *see txt *), the default GPS *is required by default.
!!!!! Need a version AD> = !!!!!
-NEW VIEW HELPER REMAININGTIME CP/AD (additional condition on/off ... in the graphic menu *see txt *) by default OFF (user WunSch)! Attention!
! Install AD RemainingTimer in the AD settings menu! "" "The team ThX AD to support VI" "" ""
+ 2 CMD and 2 colored icons for MultioverLAYHUD (CMD Group VehicleSpector-others) View Hidden .... On/OFF (Do not set the state of AD/CP, set only Visible on/Off)
+ optional TextColor (... XML ... color.remainingstring)
+ optional separator 00:00 (... XML .. Text.remainingtimeseparator)
--new View Helper Remainingtime Waypoints CP/AD (additional inclusion/off in the graphic menu *see TXT *) by default OFF (user Wunsch)! Ad Waypoints MP is not active!
+ Additional text points | 21w (... XML .. Text.remainingwaypoints/Remainingtimewaypointsseparator)
!!!!! Need a version AD> = !!!!!
-new flashing a car means the end of the assistant (optionally 0 = off or 1-60 seconds in the graphic menu *see warning *) by default 20 seconds (WunSch user)
- new settings of the line icons and CS (Sortcategory) for Isleasing, ISGPS, ISPARKING VEHICLES
--fix Turning on/off the train/car line icon
-FIX Rent icon for ICONDISPLAY (overlapping with a controlled name)
-Fix Isparking Icon for ICONDISPLAY (was not visible) *View Vehicle Isparking True *
--fix mp bug error ...../motorized.lua (2240): an attempt to index the field 'consumersbyfilltype' (zero value) *to buy a new car *
-Fix download XML SetMasterorder/Setordervhicle/Setorderfillinformation
-FIX/New WIDESCREEN ICONDISPLAY -set an optional correction value (... XML ... OTERVALUS.ICONWIDESCREENFIX) by default 0 *for 34 zoll set 0.300 and testing or ... * * *
--fix/new broad -screen graphic menu -set an additional correction value (modssettings/hlguimenue.xml ... iconwidescreenfix) by default 0 *for 34 zoll set 0.300 and test or ... * * *

!ATTENTION! Some modifications of vehicles are not supported
Features: menu of intra -game settings. Alles Additional Einstellbar. Join the vehicle using Click Auf Ein Fahrzeug In Der Anzeige Wenn Du Die Maus Aktiverst Hast. And

Credits: HappyLooser


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