Time Saving Stock Check v1.0.0.1
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Mod Time Saving Stock Check v1.0.0.1 for Farming Simulator 2022

Time-saving inventory check

List of changes:
- Add livestock pallets
- Modhub release

- Release

Tired of wondering where all the wheat you harvest is, its value, when to sell, and what you can get for it? You can find out here!

In the main menu just above the price tab you can see
- all goods that you store in silos, production and livestock products.
- overall volume
- current price and value
- at what point of sale to sell
- potential best price and value and what month it might be.

The color of the current value changes to
- white = nothing special
- yellow = current value exceeds 90% of the best potential value
- dark green = current value exceeds 95% of the best potential value
- bright green = current value above best potential value

Also, the current month is highlighted in bright green to alert you that this is the best potential month to sell.

Credits: twproductions


Download16.94 KB

TAGS:Stock, Time, saving, V1.0.0.1, Check

