Production Info Hud v0.1.1.0
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Mod Production Info Hud v0.1.1.0 for Farming Simulator 2022
The first version of Info Hud's productions, known from LS 19.
- Correction of patch from Giants for changed productions.
Display back in gaming days.
However, what is displayed is what will be empty in the next 2 months, depending on the set days in the month, it happens in different ways.
Since the LS19 version was built on the dialogs and methods of the Global Company, this first version now comes pre-configured.
The first version has the following non-configurable properties:
Display of active productions with indication of the remaining time
Production is only displayed if ...
less than 72 hours left
filling level less than 50%
The display is sorted according to the remaining time, depending on which time is blank or blank is shown at the top.
Shown only 5 performances

Credits: Achimobil


Download11 KB

TAGS:hud, production, V0.1.1.0, Info

