Limited Daily Income v1.0.0.0
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Mod Limited Daily Income v1.0.0.0 for Farming Simulator 2022

This mod allows you to limit the income for all farms to a certain daily limit.

What exactly can this mod do?
- Set limit per day
- Increase the limit if the farm did not earn any money for the day
- Smaller limit increase if the farm earned little money for the day
- All current farm limits are saved in the farms.xml file in the currently saved game.
- All limit reset values ​​can be set in the DailyLimitIncome.xml file in a saved game.
IMPORTANT: All increased limits will be reset to the default limit once you earn a lot of money in a day!

What is considered income?
- Reward for missions
- Sale of crops, bales and animal products
- Selling products
- Sell wood
- Sale of animals

What can't I do when I reach my limit?
- Accept any missions on that day
- Cereals, bales or animal products
- Sell firewood
- Selling animals, although it is still possible to sell animals, but not for profit
- Direct sale at production points is disabled when the limit is reached.

Can I still sell vehicles and equipment and trade with other players?

Yes! Selling equipment or a tractor does not increase your capital.
When a player gives you money, it is their decision to move you forward.

Okay, but what is this mod for?

Imagine that you have a 24/7 server where players manage their farms.
Some players have a lot of time and move quickly around the map accordingly.
Others only have time to play 2-3 times a week, mostly not much time.
Due to the limit, players with a lot of time slow down in their financial development and
by increasing the limit, with no or little profit, players with less time can catch up with other players.

Credits: tn4799, Tensuko


Download19 KB

TAGS:daily, Limited, v1.0.0.0, income

