FOLLOW ME V1.0.0.0
0 283 114

Single player only! PC/Mac only!

Have you ever wanted some vehicles to follow you around the map? With "Follow Me" you can (although not backwards).

- Use the "Start" action / Select Other" (default: RCTRL + F) to select the vehicle to follow and make sure it is clearly indicated on the screen.
- To select another vehicle to accompany, if there are others nearby, press the "Start/select other" button again before the 3-second timeout expires.
- To stop the subscription, click "Stop AI Worker" (default: H).
- While in the vehicle, its own distance and lateral displacement to the leader can be changed using the actions "Change distance" (default: RCTRL + W/S) and "Change lateral displacement" (default: RCTRL + A/D). .

- While in a vehicle with slaves, use the "Master, Select Other" action (default: RSHIFT + RCTRL + F) to indicate which slave is selected for distance and lateral offset instructions.
- Use the actions "Follower, Distance" (default: RSHIFT + RCTRL + W/S) and "Follower, Lateral offset" (default: RSHIFT + RCTRL + A/D) to change the selected tracking device distance and side offset.

- It is possible to "place a marker on the trail", which instructs followers to ignore their lateral offset or use the opposite offset. To do this, use the "Switch Side Offset Marker" action (by default: RSHIFT + RCTRL + X). Keep in mind that the current marker selection is visible only in the F1 action menu.

Known issues:
- Some cars have a collision detection field that is much larger and wider than it is visible (even when folded), and therefore will not be able to work correctly with "Follow Me". They often state "close collision" due to the size of their invisible collision field.

Credits: Decker_MMIV


Download50 Кb

TAGS:FOLLOW, v1.0.0.0

