RENNEBU V1.0.0.1
0 327 119

The lush Rennebu Valley invites and encourages all kinds of work! Arable land, animal husbandry and forestry.

List of changes
The following changes are safe for existing saves:
- Adjusted food priority and values ​​for cows. TMR below priority, silage, hay, grass and chaff above priority.
— Rejection of the production and sale of corn, cotton, soybeans and sugar cane.
– Fixed the placement of the fence near the church
- Updated trees from Holmåkra. It shouldn't require a new save.
- Adjusted tipCol. You will now be able to use bunker silos and tipping stones, among other things, in more places.
- Fixed reports of trees in fields and floating in the air
- Fixed various hidden objects causing collisions in fields and roads.
- Adjusted the intervals of bird sounds

The following changes require a new save game. Not critical, mostly a visual update.
- Various terrain adjustments and fixes
- Various ground texture adjustments
- Various foliage fixes
– Added entrance to field 84

The map is based on a small part of the real location of Rennebu in Norway. Farms and outbuildings are real and placed in their real place.

Play area 8×8 km. All points of production and sale are in the real world, with minor changes to improve the gameplay.
- There is no animal dealer in real life, but it made sense to use this building since it is located in the center of the map.
“The bridge next to the animal dealer is about twice as wide as the real bridge, so you can cross with larger, wider equipment.
A bakery is not a bakery per se. It has a stone oven that the community rents out, especially before the holidays.

Most of the buildings are placeable and color-selectable, allowing you to mix and match as you build your own farm on an empty lot.
This is the first version of the map, which is enough to get started and enjoy the scenery. In future updates there will be new buildings.

On the map you will find:
- 143 marked fields
— 28 forestries
- The river flowing through the valley can be used to replenish water supplies.
- No collectibles (yet)

Available productions:
- Sawmill
- A carpenter
- grain mill
— Bakery

Planned productions in the future:
- Dairy
– Spinnery
— Atelier

The rest of the production types are not added to the map by default because there is no natural location for them since they don't exist in real life.
The map is your sandbox, and you can buy your own production site if you want to grow other crops than those growing in the area.

Stations for sale
— Animal dealer
- Grocery store
- grain mill
- Sawmill
- A carpenter

The seasonal growth plan has been adjusted to better follow the region in real life.
The map requires the Buildings of Norway mod.

Recommended mods:
- Possibly more animal husbandry
- More trees
- Paint and terraform anywhere

For more Norwegian experience, check out Norwegian brands.
— Kverneland
— Orkel
— Reime
— Gjerstad

Credits: OlaHaldor


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