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Changed in *NOTE: This update will require a new save on consoles. PC players can update their save folder to not require a new game, message me on my modding Facebook page for instructions. - Redesigned terrain to work with update 1.9 FS. - Fixed an issue that prevented feed mixers from accepting crushed corn to cook TMR. - Added a new placeable large barn with a feeding robot that accepts crushed corn as an additional type of feed. *NOTE The barn with the robot feeder in the base game does not accept cracked corn as a feed type. In order for the barn to work, it must be replaced with a new one included in the kit. - Updated ambient lighting with Suchsneak's Relight V1300. - Fixed missing CPU flag for pallets with sunflower oil. - Adjusted chicken feeding schedule to include Scratch Grains as "energy food". - Added an additional production, "Scratch Grain Mixer", located on the "production" tab. - Scratch grains can also be bought in the store in a container. - Surplus scratch grain can be sold at farm stores. - Added alfalfa and clover as additional types of crops. - Soybeans now produce Soy Straw when harvested. - Added alfalfa, alfalfa hay, clover and clover hay to sheep and cow feed. - Added soy straw to cow feed mixers and as bedding in addition to straw. - Alfalfa hay, clover hay and soy straw are also sold in farm shops. - Added compost as an additional type of production filler that can be spread with manure spreaders to fertilize fields. - Added a new placeable bin silo to "ferment" various crop surpluses into compost. - Compost can also be sold in farm shops. - Hesston square bales have been added to the map. The Hesston baler will now bale all available windrow types, including alfalfa and clover hay. - Meadow grass" can be planted as an additional type of crop. - Poplar has been added to the seeders, which can now be planted by any seeder used on this map. - Starter trailer has been updated with automatic bale loading and support for the FS22_UniversalAutoload mod.

Credits: Macktrucker921


Download499.21 MB

TAGS:East, Vineland, v1.3.0.0

