Aukrug Homfeld v
0 153 94

Welcome to Aucrug Homfeld! This map is almost an exact 1:1 copy of real life! Aucrug Homfeld is an Aucrug district located in the beautiful Schleswig-Holstein. On the map you will find, among other things, various things: - 2 cow farms (one of them is your starting farm) - 1 biogas plant with 2 large reactors and a large space for your equipment. - 1 chicken fattening farm, which also has or consists of only one barn with chickens. - 1 pig farm with pig fattening and a large number of places for storing equipment. - 1 fertilizer plant with fertilizer production. - 60+ fields, including meadows - Grain mill - Production and sale of pallets. - Village Roads and field paths - AI Traffic - Precision Farming INFO: When you start the map, press P once and open the shop, then transfer to the tractor and change the tire configuration once, after which the lighting conditions should change and adapt. The necessary mods are loaded automatically when the map is launched. Required mods: - Composite Machinesheds (from VertexDezign, Niggels) - Old Farm Package (from [DMI]20mmNormandy) - Dutch Shed Pack (from Reffarmer,[DMI]20mmNormandy) - Cowshed 3+3 (from [DMI]20mmNormandy) - Seed And Fertilizer Production (from Happy_M0le) - Farmsilo Package (from [DMI]20mmNormandy) - EU Factories (from [DMI]20mmNormandy) - Precision Farming DLC (from GIANTS Software) - Work Shop Pack (from Lancyboi) - Arched Buildings Pack (from MichalLS) - Chicken Coop (from Kamilos0397) - Cow Shed 42x22 (from Piesel) - Vid Machines Hall (from Ls_Dezign) - Vipkeg Silo Kit (from MOHAWK) - Modern Vagp (from ikas) - Crop Storage Pack (from [DMI]20mmNormandy) - Old Vgisk Building Pack (from Gracuś/Filip) - Concrete Vipkeg Set U (from Kastor / d-s-agrarservice) - Pallet Factory (from Yaba (VSR Modding Sur)) - System Hall (from User555) - Vipkeg Silo Set (from MefiuFs) - Dutch Pigshed (from Dutch Modding Inc. Jornpoeft) - Sawmill (from Happy_M0le) - Road signs have been adapted because you used to get stuck everywhere when turning. - Road signs are placed next to each other, because previously we always drove between them and it came to accidents. - added a collision to the traffic station. - added collisions with solar panels and fences. - A new save is recommended. - Fixed the terrain shader. - "Agravis Viehhandel" is now renamed simply "Agravis".

Credits: LSHUВ_Niklas, [AGDM]Dimitri Morosow


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TAGS:Aukrug, Homfeld,
