URSUS C355 V1.0.0.0
0 314 205

- 2 cabins to choose from (can & clinker).
- Piping.
- Removable bonnet flap.
- Removable whole mask.
- Openable doors, glass and roof.
- Open mask.
- Left door in the cabin can be pushed to the approach.
- Opening sounds (doors, etc.).
- Animated clutch.
- Animated brake.
- Animated runs (1 to 5).
- Animated hand gas.
- Animated rotation tip.
- Mobile exhalation.
- Realistic smoke.
- Wide front wheels to choose from.
- Floating belt and radiator fan.
- TUR established in the workshop.
- Passenger.
- Mud flaps found in the workshop.
- Clean LOG.
- New sounds.
- Dirty wheels.
- Steering system animation.

Price: 11600 $.
Maintenance: 200 $ / day.
Power: 45 Km.
Max. speed: 30 Km / h.

Credits: Szumilas


Download60.7 MB

TAGS:c355, Ursus, v1.0.0.0

