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Adds to the planters the function of planting grass outside the fields.
Experienced farmers are already familiar with this mod from the previous version of the Farming simulator - the mod adds to seeders the ability to sow grass anywhere, even on asphalt. With the help of this mod, you can remove the ugly "bald patches" after the skating rink-field killer, after terraforming, or after selling buildings and objects you don't need. The mod works on planters that initially have grass in registration, which do not have the function of cultivation and without a fertilizer. After selecting the grass seed planter, a hint appears - “O” - enable or disable the planting of wild grass. If on - additional tip "J" offers to add flowering weeds to the grass and how many (in%). After the release of the patch game 1.3, a grass texture was added to the terraformer, so the mod's usefulness is now questionable, but it can nevertheless be useful to someone.

Credits: jodamm


Download34 KB

TAGS:Grass, Wild, V0.9.0.0

