Seasons GEO: Central Europe Simplified v1.0
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Мod  Seasons GEO : Central Europe Simplified v1.0 for Farming Simulator 2019


This GEO mod is slightly based on the weather in Central Europe, but it is greatly simplified to enjoy the seasons without complicated work.

Based on weather in Central Europe
even distribution of the four seasons
- mild spring and autumn, warm summers (max. 25 ° C), cold winters (max. 0 ° C) with snow
- precipitation values ​​unified from March to November (maximum 45 mm) and increased for the winter (maximum 150 mm)
-maximum resistance of all plants to frost and drought
- germination at 0 ° C and above
-simply simplified sowing and harvesting time
low wind speed
-Sale prices for loose straw and hay rose to half the price of bales
- the received working day is extended (6-21 hours)

The following rules apply at the time of sowing and harvesting:
- sowing and harvesting time from early spring to early winter
- all ripe fruits that do not collect rot in mid-winter
- all fruits that still grow until the end of winter
- no growth in winter
Grass and poplar can be harvested throughout the year, but will not grow in winter
radishes can be incorporated into the land throughout the year
-sugarkan does not grow back

Credits: TopAce888


Download24 KB

TAGS:Central, v1.0, seasons, Simplified, GEO:, europe

