MaizePlus v1.5.2.0
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МOD MaizePlus v1.5.2.0 for Farming Simulator 2019

MaizePlus is a global expansion that markets corn and grass soil in round bales as well as silo bins.
You can also sell and feed various types of silage.

You can also create Graingrist and CCM using the MaizePlus_ccmExtension mod.

Thus, you have 4 possible types of silage in silos and for feeding:
- corn cob
- grass cover
- and the chaff turns into wcs (whole grain silage)

As long as there is less than 4000 liters in the silo, it will automatically switch its fillType to the fruit you are dumping.
As soon as there is more than 4000 liters in the hopper, the fillType is set until you empty the hopper again (in case of fermentation) or when you remove enough to make it less than 4000 liters again.

Due to the limitation of the max. 31 heightTypes (more on this below) in vanilla FS you can play MaizePlus on base game maps (or just base game fruit maps) with seasons, but only without the CCM-Extension.
If you are playing on a map that has more than 31 height types activated, you can add MaizePlus_ccmExtension to your save and this will activate the CCM functionality.

MaizePlus is a global mod, which means it automatically adds itself to whatever it needs, you just need to enable the mod (and CCM-Extension depending on the map / mods you are playing).

We also made sure our CCM fruitType is the same as the MoreBunkerSilo and the used CCM LS-Modcompany mill, so you can use this CCM mill to create raw cubic centimeters.
Due to the similarity of fruit types and functions, we do not recommend using MaizePlus and MoreBunkerSilo together in the same saved game to prevent mod conflicts and problems.

More detailed explanation of heightTypes and their limitations:
The game / map is by default limited to 31 types of heights (fruits that can be knocked to the ground). There are 23 types of heights used in the base game. This means there are 8 more left to be used by mods without having to change the height limit on the map.
Our MaizePlus itself adds 4 new types of heights, CCM-Extension adds 2 more.
This means that it is possible to play MaizePlus with CCM-Extension on a mod map with max. 2 additional fruitTypes or 4 additional fruitTypes if you are not using the CCM-Extension, provided you are not using any other mods that add additional FruitTypes.
Of course, if you play other mods that also add FruitTypes, you need to calculate them as well. (For example, Seasons adds 3 new height types, which means you cannot activate CCM-Extension to play MaizePlus with seasons, otherwise there would be 32 height types)
Unfortunately, this limitation cannot be changed globally, but must be met by editing the map. But there will be updates soon with more elevation types for several well-known maps.

Changelog, version 1.5.2 fix:
- maizePlus_bunkerSiloChanges.lua: 120: Attempt to index a null value fixed

Credits: The-Alien-Paul and Modelleicher


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