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ForageExtension for MaizePlus.
This extension for MaizePlus has completely redesigned the FS power system. First of all, the distinction between the various silos from MaizePlus now makes sense, but the food has been altered in general to make it more interesting as well as more realistic.

We are also adding new food products Alpha-Alpha (with hay and silage) and clover (with hay and silage) and carrots.
If you want to harvest Alpha Alpha or Clover as feed or hay, you need a fruit-ready card with the MaizePlus feed extension.
Alpha Alpha Silage, Clover and Carrot Silage can be purchased from the store to feed your animals regardless of mapping.
This extension also doesn't add other types of heights, so you don't need to worry about that. But this requires the basic MaizePlus mode.

Changelog V 1.3
- adjusted prices

Changelog V 1.2 - animalFoodAdditions.xml in the map fixed (works now)
- Purchased Horse-Hay and Horse-Silage bales in the store (HorseExtension ready)
- Clover and Alfalfa bales are now globally added to balers and packers, so they now work all standard size balers and packers.
- Kverneland-DLC ready
- Fill type weight meets Giants standard
- Fixed volume for purchased bales
- Straw machines can now dissolve hay and silage (for feeding in livestock farms without starting bales)
- Several small fixes

Brief description of the characteristics:
- all food groups for all standard animals have been redone and adjusted
- The mixer cars have more entrances and possibilities, therefore the mix is ​​more complex and realistic
- in the store you can buy bales of silage of various silos, pallets for bulk goods and pallets for carrots for feeding.
- feeding can be adapted to a specific chart (e.g. for new / individual types of animals)
- Ready for the seasons

I will explain the changes with cows as an example:
- feed is divided into 4 feed categories
- cows do not eat the highest yielding feed at first, but eat all 4 feed groups at the same time
- each category has a production cost of 25%
- TMP compound feed can fill 3 out of 4 categories, category 4. (hay) must be filled separately to reach 100% production
- by mixing TMR feed you can feed what you cannot feed directly (e.g. sugar beets, potatoes or cereals)

- There are the following 4 categories:
+ silo category | energy - corn silage, grass silage and water silage
+ hay category | structure - hay, clover hay and alpha alpha hay
+ silage category | proteins - clover silage, alpha alpha silage
+ fresh feed category - grass, clover, chopped corn

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- the mixing car can be filled with:
+ 20% -50% corn silage
+ 0% -50% silage
+ straw 0% -35%
+ 20% -50% grass silage
+ concentrates 1% -15% (soy / wcs / barley / rapeseed)
+ food moisture 2% -15% (beets / potatoes)

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Similar changes have been made to other animals.

We thank all the mod teams that support MaizePlus by providing maps for our MaizePlus and ForageExtension updates.

Warning! This extension requires MaizePlus mode to work. Read also the description of MaizePlus!

Credits: The-Alien-Paul, Modelleicher


Download2.7 MB

TAGS:Extension, MAIZEPLUS, v1.3.0.0, FORAGE

