SMS LV 520T v1.0.0.0
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Mod  SMS LV 520T v1.0.0.0 for Farming Simulator 2019

Configurations for this :
- Roller - with the help of this machine you can restore the original ground state (delete fields).
- Fertilizers - with this machine you can fertilize, improving the yield of your fields. Tank selection: PS 300 M1 and PS 500 M2
- Cultivator - With this machine you can prepare the fields for the next sowing.
- Cultivator with fertilizer - with this machine you can prepare the fields for the next sowing and fertilize to improve the yield of your fields. Tank selection: PS 300 M1 and PS 500 M2
- Seeder - with the help of this machine you can remove weeds between small crops, improving the condition of the field. It can be used only in the first stages of growing crops.
- Seeder with seeder - with the help of this machine you can sow fields at the same time, as well as remove weeds between small crops, improving the condition of the field. Tank selection: PS 300 M1 and PS 500 M2
- fertilizer seeder - with this machine you can sow fields and fertilize to improve the yield of your fields. Tank selection: PS 300 M1 D TWIN and PS 500 M2 D TWIN

Credits: DD ModPassion


Download23.8 MB

TAGS:520T, sms, v1.0.0.0, LV

