Placeable sales station v1.0.0.0
0 597 257

This is a convenient place to sell crops and other goods from your farm. It is customized for all crops and default goods, except logs.
(wheat, barley, canola, sunflower, soybeans, corn, potatoes, sugar beets, sugarcane, oats, eggs, seeds, milk, straw, grass
dryGrass_windrow silage, manure, liquid manure, husk, wool.,

cotton, chips)

The price in the store is 5,000 and service 1, and can be found in misc or Lizaed brands. Currently selling point
Factory name. You can change the name and type of the product in the mod xml folder according to your map.
Changing the name of the station = "Sales Factory" to the desired name:
<sellingStation stationName = "Factory Sales" appears ONPDA = "true" storageRadius = "0" litersForFullPriceDrop = "200000" fullPriceRecoverHours = "48">

And adding or changing:
<fillType name = "canola" priceScale = "1" supportsGreatDemand = "true" disablePriceDrop = "false" />

Credits: JohnDeere1952


Download1.4 MB

TAGS:Station, PLACEABLE, v1.0.0.0, sales

