MAN Forst LKW with Autoload Wood v3.0
0 1077 368

MAN truck to transport logs with Autoload Wood

Version 3.0.0
- adapted to patch 1.3
- Attach trailers now possible

The log is clean
You can load logs up to 6 meters long.

!IMPORTANT! You must change the key for UNLOAD AUTOWOOD from X to V in the key assignments in the game.

Otherwise, there are problems with folding truck.

The truck is a standard truck.
On this Forst_Master universal fixtures were installed, the crane has more freedom of movement. The crane is fully functional and you can choose how to load wood.

Credits: p.soppa , Kenny456


Download16.1 MB

TAGS:AUTOLOAD, Wood, v3.0, lkw, with, man, FORST

