The first step to improving your crop, increasing yields and increasing profits is to improve your soil.
Achieving the right balance between healthy soil slope, managing crop residues and bed consistency is no
easy task As the most aggressive disc ripper on the market, the Case IH Ecolo-Tiger 870 efficiently
mixes the toughest and heaviest residues and evens the soil on the back for even sowing in spring .
It was created so that it can be configured everywhere with the help of the attachment options and the ability to customize according to your
practice crop and field conditions. All this means greater profitability and greater profit. Case IH Ecolo-Tiger 870 is equipped with 9 ripper shanks, closing discs and movable baskets.
Recommended power ranges from 360 to 500 depending on field conditions. The 870 has a working width of 18 feet and a transport width of 16 feet 9 inches. Credits: Appalaches Modding, NEFG Modding |