D3S Mercedes-Benz Antos 12r 1.36.2.x
0 457 230

New Changelog: r 1.36.0.beta --> r -adaptation under the patch -added compatibility with Christmas Grand Giving event 2019 -reconfigured adjustments of all truck chassis and trailers under patch 1.36.2 -minor bugs fixed tested on game version Install Help: In the downloaded archive (compiled using 7-Zip v19.00) you will find two files with the extension .scs "D3S Mercedes Antos' 12 r1.36.x.x" - this is the main, base file - required to connect. "D3S Route Advisor Marker 2.0.123" - is an auxiliary and optional file that simply changes the appearance of the cursor on the game map and in the navigator. That is all he does. If you connect it, it must be installed with a higher priority than the set of your mod-maps. Additional folder "Template bodywork and truck" - contains cab coloring templates and decoding of details of .dds files of the truck body and trailers. -Open the downloaded archive. -Copy the base file to the "mod" folder -In the mod manager, delete ALL the old mod files and connect the latest update (remember that the main file is now one). -------------------------------------------------------------- the author of the basic model-DANZ[D3S DESIGN], further development of the mod-dobr4060

Credits: base model – DANZ[D3S DESIGN]


Download124.4 MB

TAGS:D3S, 12r, Benz, 1.36, ANTOS, Mercedes

