Multiple Trailers in Traffic v8.0.4 [1.44]
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Changelog Gooseneck double trailers with assorted cargo. Additional mod with double log and flatbed trailers. These have the disembodied number plates floating above them previously seen on the HCT dollies, hence I’ve put them in a separate mod so it’s easier to not use them if you can’t stand the sight of the flying licence plates. The gooseneck trailers have this issue too, but the plates are behind the trailers rather than above them and thus nowhere near as obvious. New Heavy Cargo Pack DLC traffic mod. New High Power Cargo Pack DLC traffic mod. New Oversize DLC traffic mod. New Volvo Construction DLC traffic mod. New Single Trailer Traffic Mod. Expanded Double Trailer For Cargo mod to include Jazzycat doubles. Credits Mr Larrington

Credits: Mr Larrington


Download15.3 MB

TAGS:Trailers, In, Multiple, 1.44, Traffic, V8.0.4

