LED TruckLights - 1.45
0 189 95

On all Trucks: Scania Next Gen S and R Skinnable white and orange Chrome white and orange Scania Vabis Embleme only right side orange and white Super Logo white with white light and orange light Engine V8 650 [ V8 logo on white light and orange Light ] Engine S730 on white and orange Old Scania Logo Variants: Chrome and Truckpaint Hotfix for Skinnable Old logo slotpoint addet for Lightbox painted Headlight Daf106 by SCS Skinnable white and orange Chrome white and orange Dafold Logo Addet Slotpoint addet for Lightbox MAN Euro6 by SCS Skinnable white and orange Chrome white and orange slotpoint addet for Lightbox MAN TGX Euro6 by Madster New Logo Create for Grill and new Definition Mercedes Benz New Actros by Schumi Rework Skinnable white and orange Chrome white and orange Volvo FH 16 Chrome Logos White and Orange DAF 105 by SCS and Vadik Chrome Variant White and Orange Mercedes Benz New Actros by Alex Logo with ao_create with light on white and Orange Logo with Chrome with white and orange Renault Range T from SCS Logo addet on Plastic Grill and Chrome on White and Orange grill addet to paint f_inlay_cab to paint Evolution Version LED Headlight on Paintet version DAF XG and XG+ 2021 DAF Logo on White and Orange and (Paintable to Acc List) LED Headlight become a Paint Part (Paintable to Acc List) HBB MAN TGX 2020 MAN Logo on white and Orange Light Frontbar the Lion on white and Orange Light Headlight Painted Drl on white and Orange Mask Accessory addons Double King of Road white and orange DoubleStock Scania white and orange Super Skinnable white and orange Besser non Light Chrome Besser non Light Color Besser Chrome white and orange Lightbox Actros 2019 From Actros5Crew Actros Badge little paint and chrome and white and orange mask Front Star paintable and white and orange included Slot for LightBox Side LED indicator paintable (Thanks to TruckJunky 3D for you permission) Headlights Paintable and white and orange mask Updated for patch

Credits: GS_Design


Download102.0 MB

TAGS:Trucklights, 1.45, Led

