Mod increases FPS - Slightly reduced traffic. — Slightly reduced quality of textures and drawing of some objects. — As well a...
Paintjob Packer is a lightweight mod making tool for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. It allows you to generate simpl...
Reworked the V6 and V8 sound to FMOD by adding more real samples by a Real MP1 V6 engine truck thanks to a Old School Truck driver and yo...
Two styles of headlight provided. Day Light Running (DLR) ready for all. For Actros 2009 only.
With this file you will be able to correct the sky error and thus use your old graphics mods in version 1.38 of ETS2. ——&mdas...
This mod replaces ALL (over 150) original SCS companies inside base game and map DLCs. Mod is made from the ground up and thus is only Di...
The mod allow you to ADD to your game some traffic trailers without replacing the existing ones (only SCS standard Trailers, not Krone no...
Times are hard and nobody's trowing money at you for a simple delivery like standard SCS economy will do. Time to corect this: -norma...
Changes v6.1 Updated for compatibility with ETS2 1.38.x. And other relevant changes. Where it came from: Someone anonymous did one for ea...
This mod changes the original headlights the game making them more realistic. New update 2.0! -New AI lights Now compatible with: -Freigh...