Map of Greece 1:1 Scale - 1.46
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– Stand-alone 1:1 map for ETS2 ver. 1.40 and above – It has been designed primarily as a 1st person map i.e. to recreate the driving experience of a real life truck driver. Driving your truck from a remote external viewpoint, or trying to “fly” over the scenery (i.e. using the freecam) is outside the scope of and not recommended on this map as you will come across visual anomalies. – That said, the map is very realistic: Accurate 1:1 roads, accurate elevations, accurate 3d-topography, realistic recreation of many areas, animated hikers (a common sight on greek islands and ports) etc. Currently, its weak point are the houses at Santorini when you drive close to them but I won’t apologize for that: Though, noumerous, fitting house-prefabs for all countries stay at the disposal of ETS2-map-modders in the Sim’s editor, not a single house-prefab, suitable for a map of a greek island, is to be found there. Not a single one! Therefore and just because I’m neither SCS nor any other modding team, I had to improvise. – If you own a VR headset, try it at Santorini, driving down (or up) the hairpinned road to Athinios, the port of the island: Due to the unique 3d-topography of Santorini, realistically recreated on this map, you will enjoy an utterly immersive VR-experience. – Check out the short demo slide-show with greek music I uploaded along with the map. Quality videos by ETS2-friends will soon be available. Installation: – Create a new profile and before saving it, click “mod manager” selecting mod “Greece_1-1_v1.4x.scs” and then click “playing module” selecting “Sant_Pir_Kor.mbd”. – ETS2’s Map-DLCs , (“Iberia” currently optional), are required or the map will crash at start-up. Credits: manolis petsas

Credits: manolis petsas


Download127.6 MB

TAGS:of, Greece, 1:1, Map, 1.46, Scale

