Karsan Jest + Extras v2.0 (1.30.x)
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Yes, I finished and shared the Karsan Jest mode, which most of the people today are waiting for in August, which I had been informed about. The vehicle is the most full and the most labor-intensive. I painted the car all by myself. WARNING: The tool has been tested in version 1.30. All the galleries will come out. FEATURES : Animated automatic gearbox Pressing the F key opens the door inside (with the sound) Cab DLC Skin support (not as complicated as others) Physics I made the brakes as smooth as possible Passenger mode! 4 different interiors PARTS: 3 rims Panjura aa and tc logo Rear cama flag Rear cowl blind, curtain Back gesture + chrome grip Cab LED Sun visor Hella Lipa It’s me All gesture shutters included electric gesture Money to bless money Apron Minibus sapling, signboard Passengers, passengers Rosary Passing on the vehicle: Model / Convert: TRZPro (Order Bardakçı) Other things: Çağatay Aksan Yelkant Fashion Designer (yellow1441) Emircan Dönndü Saner Armutlu (psychological support) Kagan Göktürk (CrowbarAttack) Berkay Pekesen

Credits: yellow1441



Download47.2 MB

TAGS:jest, v2.0, ETS 2, extras, (1.30.x), Karsan

