Javielucho Mad Mod 0.3
0 6877 2042

Javielucho's Mad Mod

Welcome to my mad mod. This mod include custom parts, skins and “funny configurations”. The style is based on a post-apocalyptic world, such as Mad Max or even other films and games... but the key is the creativity! 

V 0.3

· Added pickups: "The Avalanche", recon and asault pickup configs
· Added new trucks: recon configs
· Added new van: "The Hype Van"
· Added bolide: "The Funny Jumper"
· Added moonhawk: "The Half-Beam"

V 0.2.6

Preview trailer (V 0.2.6) made by @jorgegf74

Added mad trucks:

· "The Sniper Truck"

· "The Ramp Truck"

· "The Mad Rig" (truck and tanker trailer)

V 0.2.5

Compatibility with 0.8.0!

New texture style. Finished the Van.

Added the Mad Coupe: "200 Nights".

V 0.2.4

Added the Mad Roamer: "Dustorm".

V 0.2.1

Added "The Barstowceptor"

V 0.1

The first release has a mad van, a mad covet. I would like to create more custom parts (as the mad covet), cars with cannons and much more!


Install: drop the zip file into C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\BeamNG.drive\mods

Covet: press “T” to shoot the cannon.
Roamer: press “T” to shoot the cannon.
Truck: press “T” to shoot the missile.
Pickup: "T", "G", "H", "Y" to shoot the missiles.


BeamNG: for the original content.
Thanks to @synsol for his help.


Credits: Javielucho


Download147.6 MB

TAGS:0.3, Javielucho, BeamNG.drive, mod, Mad

