Hakone Turnpike (Touge) v1.0 (0.28.X)
0 4393 975

The Hakone Highway is a scenic mountain pass that passes through the Hakone Mountains in Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan. This is a toll road about 16 kilometers long, which offers panoramic views of Mount Fuji and the surrounding landscape.
The Hakone Turnpike has a number of wide, high-speed turns that make it a popular destination for motorists and motorcyclists. The pass has several unique features and viewing platforms, including the observatory building at the peak of the road.

There is something:
- Updated vegetation
- Updated textures (from IDAS0)
- Updated collisions with fencing (no stickiness!)
- Two-way traffic (+ Functional toll booth)
- Realistic earth material
- Time trials
- Dynamic lighting
- Dynamic night shadows
- Basic PBR materials (experimental)

Credits: Techeyy


Download184.47 MB

TAGS:(0.28.x), v1.0, (Touge), Turnpike, Hakone

