Coral Pink Sand Dunes v1.4
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 Mod Coral Pink Sand Dunes v1.4 for

Today I present to you the "coral pink sand dunes" from southern Utah! (At least 2 square kilometers are definitely there)
There is a southern part of the dunes with some vegetation and steeper cliffs on the hills to the east.
In the center of the map is a race track with a closed circle. The layout is based on one of the longer Texplex courses.
Overcoming all the dunes is an 11-kilometer route.
There are dozens of kilometers of trails in the mountains to explore, which I have arranged so that they are something like a maze, so that the trails seem longer than they actually are.
All trails and courses are numbered. Not that I think AI can handle them all, but so that you can see the paths in the navigator.

Credits: nachtstiel


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TAGS:v1.4, Pink, Coral, sand, dunes

