An off-road adventure on an abandoned island. Adventured Off-Road is an extensive map consisting of many different locations offering mul...
In version 1.1: - Fixed holes in the ground. It is a small island somewhere in the endless seven oceans of the world. It has ...
The map is based on the game "Only Up", but in this case you need to climb up by car. Will your driving skill be enough to get ...
A map of a piece of the country of Qatar with expressways and sandy routes.
Contains: - 2 famous local gas stations in Qata...
A desert map converted from Sega Rally '95.
- 2 missions; - Different desert roads; - AI; - Other features....
A large semi-desert map. You can crawl on rocks, ride trails, ride on a nascar track or just travel.
- Multiple spawn points;
In version 0.11: – Fixed broken background texture; – Small changes here and there.
This is a map convert...
This is a card inspired by the Gambler500 competition, which tells a short story in several scenarios.
What is there here: ...
It is an island in the jungle that offers a variety of rocky landscapes, ideal for both standard and modified four-wheel drive vehicles. ...
In version 1.2: - Fixed mine in Utah; - Fixed light in tunnels; - Fixed a tunnel on the west coast that was not open.