Antonov AN-12B
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Antonov AN-12B for

The Antonov An-12 (Russian: Антонов Ан-12; NATO reporting name: Cub) is a four-engined turboprop transport aircraft designed in the Soviet Union.

Notable Features
150 animated instrument related parts!
Customizable instruments (altitude adjust, decision height, etc)
Working decision height, overspeed, and stall alarms.
Gear retract/extend/lock sounds, and cargo door sounds.
Capable of flight with 20,000kg of loaded cargo.
Loading ramp prop included, attaches with couplers.
Two NR-23 cannons on the rear (optional part)

How-To: Load Cargo
There are 2 options for loading cargo into this aircraft.

Option 1:
You can select predefined loads in the partselector. These are tied down and not removable

Option 2:
1. Spawn the "Antonov AN-12 Ramp" vehicle
2. Drag it near the rear of the plane, close enough for the couplers to attach
3. Attach it to the aircraft with couplers (L key while using the An-12, not the ramp!!!!!!!!!) MUCH easier than dragging it and breaking things, or using the node attacher.
4.Simply drive vehicles in!

How-To: Configurable Settings
The BeamNG rendition of the Antonov AN-12B includes an inbuilt way to configure certain aircraft options.

The map case on the co-pilot's side of the cockpit has the ability to change into a settings screen when you press one of it's controls.

The controls for this screen are as follows:
F3 - F4 : Previous / Next Setting
F5 - F6 : Decrease / Increase Setting

This allows configuration of fans, altimeters, decision height, and the speed bug.

How-To: Controls
The default controls are as follows
UP          Elevator Down
DOWN        Elevator up
LEFT        Aileron Left
RIGHT       Aileron Right
Z/X         Rudder + Steering Left/Right
Y/H         Extend/Retract flaps
+/-         Increase/Decrease Throttle (These are beside your number keys)

T           Cargo door open/close
G           Landing Gear retract/extend
B           Wheel brakes (hold)
P           Parking brake (toggle)

M           Engine #1 Starter
COMMA (,)   Engine #2 Starter
PERIOD (.)  Engine #3 Starter
SLASH (/)   Engine #4 Starter

END         Toggle elevator mode (gradual / direct)
PAGEDOWN    Toggle aileron mode (gradual / direct)
PAGEUP      Toggle rudder mode (gradual / direct)

MOUSE       Aim Weapon
SPACE       Fire Weapon
Q           Toggle Crosshair

F3/F4       Previous/next configuration setting
F5/F6       Decrease/increase current configuration setting value
You may also configure a yoke and pedals, as well as a throttle quadrant. This is configured in the Options->Controls menu.

Aileron/Elevator/Rudder Modes: What are they?
Flight simulators such as Flight Simulator X, or FlightGear, control surfaces on the plane are NOT automatically centered while using keyboard controls.

This is the default behaviour in the Antonov AN-12 for BeamNG. If you would like to change this, use the elevator/aileron/rudder mode controls (END/PAGEDOWN/PAGEUP) to change these to "Direct" mode.

BeamNG - A red striped model with a BeamNG logo on it
RoR Cargo Lines - Orange stripe w/ RoR Cargo Lines logo

@Dummiesman - Jbeam, many model fixes / improvements, ramp model, skins, most of the lua scripting
@helijah - Original model 
@VeyronEB - Normal mapping, texture work
@Stoat Muldoon - Gun model, Gun jbeam help, jbeam consulting
@Diamondback - Gun lua
@ryakra - Ramp textures, gun textures, fuselage specular mapping
@Goosah - Tire tuning
@direct_UA and @Atomix - Translation assistance
@Fireboyd78 - minor instrument texture improvement
@Joelvb - Testing, feedback
@PrimeTheBomber - Testing, feedback

Sounds are from various YouTube videos, as well as GPL licensed sounds from FlightGear repo

Special thanks to @tdev for purchasing the manual for me, it was a huge help!

As with other mods, download and place it in your My Documents\\Mods folder

Mods such as this one involve tremendous effort, and take a long time to create. With that being said, it'd be nice to earn something back from all this work.
I'll be very appreciative of any donations given!

PayPal Donate Link

Test version: BeamNG DRIVE 0.12.x
Installation: \ Users \ User \ Documents \ \ mods

Credits: Dummiesman


Download44.4 MB

TAGS:for,, Dummiesman


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