VOLVO VNL 2018 V1.19 1.34.X
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Updated the Volvo VNL 2018 by Franck Peru in order to get rid of as many Errors/warnings Version 1.19: - Bug fix - Added blinker indicators on mirrors There are some big changes to this mod. Moved all upgrades to volvo_vnl_2018 folder Cleanup of textures Changed cabin files to 760 and 860.sii Added support for animated cables Seperated mudflaps on long chassis Added colision boxes for cabins Added Adaptive Loading and Tag chassies Added proper engines Removed engines that are not available in real life Cleanup of interior textures Fixed wrong look name

Credits: galimim, FRANCK PERU, PIVA


Download159.5 MB

TAGS:VNL, ATS, Volvo, 2018, 1.34.X, v1.19

