Sold at Volvo Original model and parts by Felipe Conbar Air cables by Jesse Burson Cleaning, rearranging and dashboard by galimim Re-buil...
C2C v2.7.2 update for ATS v1.35. Features: DLC New Mexico & Oregon required Changes: Update for 1.35 Download .scs file then activate...
Food Tank MP-SP TruckersMP Multiplayer What they can do with the mod is to buy a trailer, along with this they can modify everything rela...
Double Dump Bottom Long-Short [MP-SP] [Multiplayer] [TruckersMP] What they can do with the mod is to buy a trailer, along with this they ...
What they can do with the mod is to buy a trailer, along with this they can modify everything related to the wheels. Credits: SCS Softwar...
Released in 2017, the Kenworth T610 is the result of almost 2 years of research and development by Kenworth Australia. The truck borrows ...
Changelog Update for 1.35, not working on 1.34 - includes personalized sounds for all cars, SUVs, trucks and buses of the ATS default veh...
Here u go guys. Mack chu613 added racks deckplates airlines on cab and stretched chassis a little i do not take credit for the truck, cre...
Changes: Update for 1.35 Bugs fixed Fixed problems with paint job - Standalone - Volvo car dealership; - 2 cabins; - 6 chassis; - A large...
Ownable : Yes Standalone : Yes Advance Coupling : Yes Landing Gear Animation : Yes Lift Axles : No Collisions : Yes Colors : Red/Black (i...